
Save, restore, import and export tab, window and workspace data


Tabs and windows can be saved and browsed and reopened later.

Control Space provides various ways to do this:

  • Tabs can be saved by dragging directly to Saved
  • Tabs can be saved using the Save Tabs modal via the context menu or keyboard shortcut Cmd+S
  • Windows can be saved via the window menu or keyboard shortcut Shift+Cmd+S.

The Save modal provides an interactive UI to choose where to save:

save modal

Within the modal you can:

  • name or rename the window or tab(s) being saved
  • navigate and choose the target folder
  • add new folders

Note the double-slash (//) delimiter; you can manually type this to separate the title from a description.

To finish:

  • click "Save" or hit Enter
  • click "Save and Close" or hit Cmd+Enter
  • click "Cancel" or hit Esc

Confirming will show a notification popup, with additional actions such as revealing the saved item.


Tabs, windows, folders, pages, even the current workspace can be exported in multiple formats.

Using the context menu:

  • focus or select one or more tabs, pages or folders
  • use the context or hamburger menu and choose "Export"

Using the keyboard:

  • export focused or selected tabs, pages, or folders, using Cmd+E
  • export the focused window using Shift+Cmd+E

Using Tools:

  • export the current workspace by opening the Tools panel and choosing "Export"

A notification will show what was shared, along with the format the items were shared in:

save modal

To change the format, click the format link in the notification and choose from:

  • URLs
  • Text
  • Markdown
  • HTML Paragraphs
  • HTML Bullets
  • JSON

Note: the UX for previewing and choosing formats will be improved in the next release


Control Space provides multiple ways to open tabs in the browser.

You can open URLs in a new window by:

  • dragging text or any file containing one or more URLs
  • pasting multiple URLs into the Search box

Complete a title for the window then:

  • hit Enter to accept
  • hit Enter again to open the first tab

Data cleanup

It's a fact that website titles and URLs are optimised for search engines, not humans:

  • titles may contain the page title, site name, notification and keyword data
  • URLs may contain domain, path and tracking data

Control Space does its best to clean and simplify this.

In open tabs

Control Space attempts to:

  • split page title and site name into separate units
    • display the page title as the primary unit of information
    • display the site name (vs the domain name) as the secondary unit of information
  • display notifications as a small badge
  • display the URL only on mouseover or focus

When saving tabs

Control Space extracts:

  • page title, extracted from the full page title
  • description, extracted from the full page title (defaulting to site name)

It also:

  • automatically strips common tracking data
  • provides options for custom descriptions using a special // format
  • provides options to strip query strings