First use

Get Control Space up and running for the first time

Launch Control Space

Control Space runs in a single popup window:


To show it, press Ctrl+Space or click the icon in the browser's toolbar.

If the keyboard shortcut doesn't work, check the troubleshooting section.


To start using Control Space, you'll need an account.

If you don't have an account:

  • click the Sign-up button and choose a trial plan
  • check your email to set an account password

If you do have an account:

  • click the Login button
  • follow the setup routine


Control Space will confirm a few preferences before you start:

  • Shortcut
    The keyboard shortcut used to launch Control Space
    This should be configured, but if it's not, follow the prompts
  • Database
    Which bookmark folder to store any saved tabs data
    It's simplest to stick with the default folder in your main Bookmarks toolbar
  • Workspace
    How many folder levels to use when you save tabs
    Choose Folders if you're a light user, Workspaces if you need more control

Click finish, and we're done!


After you log in for the first time, you'll get the option to view a tour which illustrates the main navigational features. You can also check out this demo video; it shows the more recent organisational features.